A player profile contains information on a user account that's unrelated to their performance on a leaderboard. If no PlayerId is passed, the current user is returned.
GalaxyClientAPI.GetPlayerProfile(new GalaxySDK.ClientModels.GetPlayerProfileRequest { }, result => {
var clan = result.Clan; //Clan object, if the player is in one
var playerProfile = result.PlayerProfile; //PlayerProfile result
var notifications = result.Notifications; //# of unread messages in clan
}, error => { });
window.galaxy.ClientAPI.GetPlayerProfile((result, error) => {
var clan = result.clan; //Clan object, if the player is in one
var playerId = result.player_profile; //PlayerProfile result
var notifications = result.notifications; //# of unread messages in clan
GalaxySDK.shared.getPlayerProfile(playerId: "string or nil") { profile in
let playerProfile: PlayerProfile = profile
Galaxy_GetPlayerProfile(player_id?, function(response) {
show_message_async(response.notifications) //Show # of notifications
Player Profile Objects
/// Details for the clan this user is a part of.
public Clan Clan;
/// The profile of the player. This profile is not guaranteed to be up-to-date. For a new player, this profile will not
/// exist.
public PlayerProfileModel PlayerProfile;
/// If the user has notifications, like unread messages in a clan
public int Notifications;
Use the following functions to get and display avatars. If you don't pass a PlayerID, the current player's avatar will be returned.
GalaxyClientAPI.Controller.GetPlayerAvatarTexture((imageTexture) => {
//Example use for imageTexture
avatarImage.sprite = Sprite.Create(
new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, imageTexture.width, imageTexture.height),
Vector2.one * 0.5f);
}, PlayerId); //PlayerId is optional
var imageUrl = "https://api.galaxysdk.com/api/v1/users/{galaxy player id}/avatar.png"
GalaxySDK.shared.getPlayerAvatarTexture { image in
let avatarImage: UIImage = image
⬆️ Set nickname
Edit the player's nickname (username). This will have no effect if the user has set their username themselves.
GalaxyClientAPI.UpdatePlayerProfile(new GalaxySDK.ClientModels.UpdatePlayerProfileRequest {
Nickname = "NewUsername"
}, result => {
var playerId = result.PlayerProfile; //PlayerProfile result
}, error => { });
nickname: 'NewNickname',
}, (result, error) => {
var clan = result.Clan; //Clan object, if the player is in one
var playerId = result.PlayerProfile; //PlayerProfile result
var notifications = result.Notifications; //# of unread messages in clan
GalaxySDK.shared.updatePlayerProfile(nickname: "new nickname") { success in
} else{
⬆️ Set custom avatar image
This is only available in the Unity SDK for now. Either set Texture or ImageBytes. ImageBytes will take priority over Texture if they are both provided.
This endpoint will return a 400 error if you have not added Custom Avatar Images to your plan
GalaxyClientAPI.SetCustomAvatar(new GalaxySDK.ClientModels.SetCustomAvatarRequest {
//Set one or the other
Texture = imageTexture, //imageTexture is of type Texture2D
ImageBytes = byteArray //byteArray is of type byte[]
}, result => { }, error => { });
✨ Show profile
Directly open a player's profile. If no PlayerId is passed, the current user is shown.
//Show this player's profile
//Show another player's profile
GalaxyClientAPI.Controller.OpenProfile(PlayerId: "player_id", Options: ViewOptions);
window.galaxy.ShowProfile({player_id: "player_id"}); //player_id is optional
GalaxySDK.shared.showProfile(playerId: nil)
Galaxy_ShowProfile(player_id?) //player_id is optional
✨ Show editor
You can easily show the avatar editor by calling:
//Full screen with close button
↕️Profile Delegate
Assign the infoDidChange(GalaxySDK.ClientModels.PlayerProfileModel playerProfile) delegate to listen for info updates.